Interactive Roadmap

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As part of the Commitment to Action’s Implementation Plan, an interactive roadmap has been created to highlight new solutions-focused initiatives and projects that have been put into practice in alignment with the six community-identified priorities.

The roadmap, which will be updated quarterly, details the progress of our actions and the order in which we are tackling each initiative, and are based off of the collective response gathered from communities, businesses, and social agencies that were initially identified in the Community Feedback Report released in November 2021.

View the interactive roadmap by clicking the image below:

As part of the Commitment to Action’s Implementation Plan, an interactive roadmap has been created to highlight new solutions-focused initiatives and projects that have been put into practice in alignment with the six community-identified priorities.

The roadmap, which will be updated quarterly, details the progress of our actions and the order in which we are tackling each initiative, and are based off of the collective response gathered from communities, businesses, and social agencies that were initially identified in the Community Feedback Report released in November 2021.

View the interactive roadmap by clicking the image below:

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I would like to see more police presence in the Westmount area! There are more and more people who have drug addictions are flocking to this area smoking crack everywhere between 114 Avenue & 111 Ave even sleeping in the mall! They can become violent people when high! There are a lot of seniors living in this area who should feel safe leaving their homes

Dolphin 6 months ago
Page last updated: 04 Aug 2024, 12:05 PM